Philosophy & Sustainability
TCC’s success is the result of our in-depth knowledge of capital markets, our extensive experience at managing assets in various market environments, and a unique investment philosophy rooted in strong investment beliefs that guide all our decisions.

Investment horizon matters
Investing with a mid- to long-term mindset, while being very dynamic, allows to uncover market inefficiencies and fosters better return by unit of risk.
Diversification is key
A robust portfolio construction process using a very diversified toolbox, multiple asset classes and instruments in various markets diversifies the sources of value added and helps mitigate risks.
Risk management is central
The risk of any strategy can be efficiently controlled when risk management is fully integrated to the investment process and becomes central to all investment decisions.
Good ideas can come from anywhere
Unique investment ideas can be generated by using both traditional and non-traditional channels such as proprietary screening, internal/external research and the strong business relationships we have built over the years.

Our team approach means that all investment decisions are made by a team of investment professionals with strong, diverse and complementary backgrounds. We are focused on constantly introducing new investment ideas and exploring promising opportunities.
ESG Integration at TCC
TCC defines ESG integration as the process of including Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors in its investment process to better manage risks and potentially improve returns (strategy dependent). Therefore, TCC believes in the benefits of:
- Excluding certain industries that are subject to significant financial risks given ESG exposure and/or represent sensitive topics;
- Integrating ESG analysis, alongside traditional financial analysis, into securities/investment selection;
- Having an active ownership approach;
- Disclosing information that is relevant to the analysis of material ESG factors; and,
- Collaborating with other organizations on ESG and sustainable initiatives.
Please refer to TCC’s Sustainable Investment Policy and Sustainability Proxy Voting Policy for more information.
TCC is a United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (“UN PRI”) signatory
The PRI is one of the world’s leading proponents of responsible investing, supporting an international network of investor signatories.
We publicly support the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (“TCFD”) initiative.
The TCFD aims to guide companies in incorporating considerations relating to the effects of climate change into business and financial decisions to help facilitate the transition to a more sustainable, lower-carbon economy.
We are part of the International Financial Reporting Standards Sustainability Alliance (“IFRS”)
IFRS is a global membership program established to develop globally accepted accounting and sustainability disclosures.
TCC adopted the new CFA Institute Global ESG Disclosure Standards for Investment Products for the TCC Universe+ Fixed Income Fund and the TCC Active+ Fixed Income Fund
We are proud to be the first Canadian asset manager to adopt these new standards. This reiterates our commitment to incorporating ESG factors into our investment decisions. Read TCC's ESG Disclosure Standards under the Strategies section of our website.